
Showing posts from April, 2023

Ancient Chinese emperors used living people for burial, how long could the people in the tombs live? May be beyond your expectations.

In ancient feudal China, power was the most important thing for the emperors, even after they had left the world. Because of this, they developed the so-called living sati system, and many emperors in Chinese history would have many living people used for burial after their death. Many emperors would choose some candidate he wanted to be buried with before he died, even if it was his once favorite concubine so that she would be buried with him. This policy was undoubtedly cruel, so how long could those who were buried alive live in the tomb? The time a person buried with him can survive in the tomb. For people, oxygen, water, and food are the most important, one cannot be without the other, but in these three, oxygen is occupying the first.The tombs of ancient Chinese emperors were completely closed, and to be able to keep the remains alive for a longer period, they needed to be completely isolated from the air. Therefore, the survival time of those who were used for burial can be imag

China has recently experienced widespread sand and dust, how do they protect against it?

On April 11, China experienced widespread sand and dust, and air quality in many places reached severe pollution levels. Affected by the sand and dust transmission in the north, Qingdao, China, also experienced floating dust weather today. Sand and dust weather is divided into four categories: floating dust, blowing sand, sandstorm, and strong sandstorm, each category has different judgment standards, what harm will abnormal weather do to the human body? How should we protect ourselves from such weather? The floating dust weather in Qingdao, China, is a weather phenomenon in which dust and fine sand float evenly in the air so that the horizontal visibility is less than 10 kilometers, which can also be called the least intense sandstorm. When the wind speed continues to decrease, the suspended dust particles will settle to the ground. Wind and sand may be mixed with a large number of dust particles, pollen, bacteria and viruses, and other harmful substances to the human body, causing he

The strange things that happened in the Forbidden City of China, no wonder it is not open to the public at night!

As the largest palace in the world, the Forbidden City has gone through two dynasties, and many things have happened in this palace complex that ordinary people do not know. Today, we will talk about what little-known stories this mysterious palace has. Anyone who has been to the Forbidden City should know that not all the palaces in the Forbidden City are open to the public, and the legend that the Forbidden City has the heaviest yin at five o'clock at night is also circulating among the people. According to legend, there was a man guarding the gate of the Forbidden City, and according to him, every night someone could be heard playing music, and sometimes the eunuchs in the palace could be seen walking forward in a line. It is said that before the liberation of China, when the Forbidden City was not yet sealed, many people died! Either disappear for no reason or die, but you can never find the reason, it always feels strange. There is a well inside the Forbidden City, and when yo

The president of the ICBC branch in Shanghai, China, embezzled 136 million yuan and had 32 female subordinates!

How did a country's leading cadres come to a state of degeneration? Once upon a time, high-ranking officials had solemnly sworn under the national flag, declaring that they would be worthy of their status, but as time went on, their hearts changed a lot, because they still could not resist the temptation, and eventually became a slave to money and beautiful women. Gu Guoming said: "I am not only greedy for money, but also greedy for everything. I want to get rich, but I am unwilling to give up the power in my hands and the social status I have achieved, and I want to use my power to make a bigger fortune, and then seek more power to serve my selfish interests.” The above paragraph is the profound realization made by the protagonist of this article after being arrested, which is indeed a very deep confession, but now he has suddenly woken up, it is too late to repent, and what awaits him next is the judgment from the people, and he can not afford to raise his head in this life.

The Chinese police encounter a strange criminal gang and want to reach the peak of their lives by learning "Sun Tzu's Art of War"!

Strange things happen every year, but this year there are many. Recently, a criminal gang tried to reach the pinnacle of life by learning Sun Tzu's Art of War. Not only did they think so, but they did. The plot is indeed a bit outrageous, but it is the story that happened. A group of people returned from "studying" in Southeast Asia, familiarized themselves with books such as "Sun Tzu's Art of War", and wanted to enrich themselves while working. The WeChat group nickname they used to contact was called "Peak of Life". However, this gang that helped overseas fraud by recycling bank cards was arrested by the police in Chongqing, China. On February 15, 2023, when the Tianxingqiao Police Station of the Shapingba District of the Chongqing Municipal Public Security Bureau conducted a verification based on the clues provided by the Chongqing Anti-Fraud Center, it found that a man's bank card fund records in the jurisdiction were abnormal, suspected of

A man's frightening 500 days in Cambodia nearly cost him his kidney!

Everyone has a money dream, either for themselves or for the sake of life's bread and butter, to support a family. But the reality is usually harsh, the main character of this story is a good example. In 2020, a friend who played with him since he was a child introduced a job, claiming that he didn't have to worry about eating and living, and even had a year-end bonus at the end of the year. The job is "dealer", which is to pretend to deal cards online and defraud others of money. The man may have moved his evil heart, thinking that as long as he can make money, it is acceptable to do anything. Or maybe he doesn't know enough and has no concept of this kind of thing, so he goes with the mentality of trying it out. The place of work is Cambodia, and when he arrives, he is dumbfounded, there are "communities" similar to northern Myanmar, and the people involved in it are all scammers. During the 500 days of the "work" period, the man was switched

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