Britney Spears has been hit in the face by security personnel and reported to the police

According to American media TMZ, Britney Spears has always been a fan of NBA player Victor Wembanyama, and the two met by chance in Las Vegas. When Britney Spears asked for a group photo, she had a physical conflict with Victor Wembanyama's security guard.

It is reported that the two of them appeared in the same restaurant at the time. Britney Spears said that after seeing Victor Wembanyama, she stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, trying to attract his attention. However, she was slapped by the other party's bodyguard and her glasses were also knocked off. Afterward, Britney chose to call the police, and the police also intervened in the investigation.

Victor Wembanyama also responded to this conflict." I have no idea what happened. I kept walking forward and was told not to stop. At that time, someone grabbed me from behind, not patting my shoulder, but from behind, and then the security personnel pushed her away."

It wasn't until a few hours later that Victor Wembanyama realized that the person was Britney Spears. Later, Britney herself tweeted, "When I was surrounded by fans that day, my bodyguard didn't attack them. I haven't received a public apology from Victor Wembanyama, his security, or the Spurs yet.


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