The strange things that happened in the Forbidden City of China, no wonder it is not open to the public at night!

As the largest palace in the world, the Forbidden City has gone through two dynasties, and many things have happened in this palace complex that ordinary people do not know. Today, we will talk about what little-known stories this mysterious palace has.

Anyone who has been to the Forbidden City should know that not all the palaces in the Forbidden City are open to the public, and the legend that the Forbidden City has the heaviest yin at five o'clock at night is also circulating among the people. According to legend, there was a man guarding the gate of the Forbidden City, and according to him, every night someone could be heard playing music, and sometimes the eunuchs in the palace could be seen walking forward in a line. It is said that before the liberation of China, when the Forbidden City was not yet sealed, many people died! Either disappear for no reason or die, but you can never find the reason, it always feels strange.

There is a well inside the Forbidden City, and when you look down during the day, there are some stones, weeds, and the like at the bottom of the well. But every night after midnight look down, as long as there is a moon in the sky, you will see that instead of stones and weeds, you will see water at the bottom of the well, and it is not your face reflected on the water.

There is a very strange legend that one late night in 1983, a person walked near the treasure hall of the Forbidden City and suddenly found a group of people holding palace lamps in the distance. He felt very strange, flashlights were used in this era, who still uses palace lamps?

The man felt that it must be an eye flower or some natural phenomenon, so he wanted to step forward to see, but no matter how he chased, he couldn't catch up with the group of people with palace lamps in their hands. From a distance, it is indeed a palace maid wearing a Qing Dynasty cheongsam, walking neatly with a flat gauze palace lamp. This frightened him, slumped on the ground, did not dare to chase, until the light was out of sight, and then moved home step by step from the other road.

Beyond that, there's a weird thing. In the early eighties of China, two security guards worked the night shift together at the Forbidden City at night. One of them went to the toilet, which was some distance from where they slept, and as soon as the man entered the toilet and closed the door, he heard a knock on the door and asked, "Who!?". Then a deep voice was heard answering, "Open the door." "He opened the door and saw no one, and then he didn't take it seriously.

After a while, there was a knock on the door again, and the same low voice said, "Open the door." He was immediately frightened and ran back to his sleeping place, wondering if someone was playing tricks on him. When the security guard returned to his residence, he found that his colleague was still sleeping, and his sleeping posture had not changed. The next day, the frightened security guard asked another colleague, who said he didn't know about it. From then on, the security guard will never dare to go out alone at night again!

There are many such legends, and scientists have confirmed that the supernatural events in the Forbidden City can be explained by modern science and technology. However, some people still believe that these things cannot be explained by science.


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