China has recently experienced widespread sand and dust, how do they protect against it?

On April 11, China experienced widespread sand and dust, and air quality in many places reached severe pollution levels. Affected by the sand and dust transmission in the north, Qingdao, China, also experienced floating dust weather today. Sand and dust weather is divided into four categories: floating dust, blowing sand, sandstorm, and strong sandstorm, each category has different judgment standards, what harm will abnormal weather do to the human body? How should we protect ourselves from such weather?

The floating dust weather in Qingdao, China, is a weather phenomenon in which dust and fine sand float evenly in the air so that the horizontal visibility is less than 10 kilometers, which can also be called the least intense sandstorm. When the wind speed continues to decrease, the suspended dust particles will settle to the ground. Wind and sand may be mixed with a large number of dust particles, pollen, bacteria and viruses, and other harmful substances to the human body, causing health effects.

What are the specific effects of floating dust, sand and other weather on the human body? When floating dust falls into the city, patients with eye diseases will be affected, which may directly cause eye pain, tearing, if the dust is not removed, or rubbing the eyes with your hands, can cause bacterial or viral eye diseases.

When the air quality is poor, it can also cause respiratory diseases. The air quality is not good, so some people with unhealthy respiratory tracts have a dry cough, phlegm, coughing up blood, and may also be accompanied by high fever. In addition, high winds can greatly reduce the humidity in the air, making people's mouths dry and chapped lips. The elasticity of the nasal mucosa is weakened due to dryness, and it is easy to appear tiny cracks, and the disease prevention function is reduced, and the germs in the air will take advantage of the deficiency.

Weather such as sand and dust can also have a great negative impact on people's mental health. When sandstorms occur, the noise of air and dust collision and friction will make people feel uncomfortable. Gale can also directly affect the human nervous system, causing headaches, nausea, and irritability. Secondly, violent winds and dust will seriously reduce negative oxygen ions in the air, resulting in changes in the body of some people who are sensitive to weather changes, making people feel nervous tension and fatigue. In addition, when sandstorms strike, visibility is low and the light is dark, which limits people's vision and makes people feel a sense of depression and fear.

How to protect against bad weather? When there is sand-blowing weather, you should wear dust glasses and protective masks when going out. If sand and dust get into the eyes, do not rub them with your hands, you can gently wipe them with a clean wet towel, if it does not work, you should go to an eye hospital.

When at home, you should close the doors and windows in time to prevent a large amount of floating dust from entering the room. If possible, turn on the air purifier at home, and the use of moist air will turn excess floating dust into dust, which has less impact on human breathing than floating dust. The elderly and children should pay special attention to protection.


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