Chinese woman who feeds giant pandas corn cobs is banned from visiting for life!

No matter where we are, we should understand that every place has rules and regulations. If we want to survive in society, we should abide by the relevant rules and regulations and maintain the social order. Only when everyone does it strictly, society will be better and better, and people's life will be more and more happy.

Of course, the vast majority of people did well. In the new era, everyone was polite, moral, and well-educated, but it was inevitable that some people did not do well enough, especially when they often said, "The bad guys become old." in Chinese society, there were often some old people who relied on their age to do whatever they wanted.

In normal times, people might turn a blind eye to it. After all, the education young people received was to respect the old and cherish the young, but some occasions could not be careless. Once there was an accident, they would be severely punished. At that time, it was too late for those who did bad things to go back to their words.

A sixty-five-year-old woman in China was forbidden to visit for the rest of her life after feeding herself the leftovers of corn cores to a panda.

Just recently, China's Chengdu Panda Valley issued a circular, which mentioned that "Luo was banned from visiting for life because he fed his leftover corn cobs to giant pandas when visiting."

Although many giant pandas in China are particularly strong and have great bodies, at present, giant pandas are still relatively rare, and even each one is registered and has a clear number, so their health and safety are very important.

The people in charge of the zoo have put a lot of effort and energy into making the panda grow up healthily, so it should not be wasted because of one person's mistake. Maybe you think it is a bit exaggerated, but the giant panda is China's national treasure, so every Chinese should love them and protect them.

It is understood that Luo was visiting the Dujiangyanye Breeding Research Center, the giant panda breeding research base in Chengdu, China when she had a leftover corn cob in her hand. I don't know if she couldn't find the trash can, or if she thought that the giant panda was an omnivore and could eat anything, so she threw the corn cob into the field, in short, she threw it directly without thinking.

Her behavior is very dangerous, it is likely to cause harm to giant pandas, mainly because what people have eaten will bring some bacteria into their mouths, and everyone does not know what the physical condition of tourists is, in case of any disease to the giant panda is very dangerous.

Moreover, in case the virus spreads in the giant panda group, the consequences are immeasurable, after the incident, the keeper checked and observed the giant panda "Meilan" for the first time, and fortunately the physical condition of "Meilan" is normal, otherwise, it is not just a lifetime ban on visiting.

Some Chinese netizens felt that this was not a big deal, just feeding a corn cob. But some netizens said that even if this is not a big deal, the base, and center have their own rules and regulations, tourists are not allowed to feed, and as long as they go in to visit, they must abide by the rules and regulations.

At present, this matter has ended, and there has been no impact on the follow-up, and I hope that everyone can be polite, moral, and quality people when they go out to play in the future.


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